Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Dear Friend

Dear Friend

The last email that you sent me
contained a lot of dialogue.
Although I appreciate the
frank delivery of some home truths
I also believe that most of
what was said held a lot of,
questions unanswered.
Two many words describe nothing.
In fact I believe the amount of wool,
feathers from a bird and other metaphors,
are pulled in front of
too many believing eyes.
People forming uneducated
responses to the book.
To realise any meaning
one must make up ones
own ideas of reality and
then take on board an
experience far beyond ones own.
Believe in experience of everybody
and disregard all other brain
washing ideologies.
To listen to rhetoric
is to listen to a
drunken man explain the obvious,
if one may speak from the
righteous corner when’st drunk.
I’m sure the average
idiot can work most things out,
so why do we try and
convince ourselves of a
higher plane when it
may or may not exist.
Can you explain that to me.
Can you explain the
appearance of a higher being
when we ourselves are
the only higher beings
asking the question itself.
Why do we have to ask ourselves
questions that we cannot answer.
Because there is nothing else
left for us to ask.
Life is’nt complicated,
the real difficulty is that
it is too simple.
What a shame for all
you thinkers out there,
can you not see the truth,
can you not see why
there is no point to the challenge.
It’s a shame to waste your time,
because we cannot spend all
precious time shortening our lives
trying to imagine a perfect answer.
Our poor little hearts
cannot bear up to the challenge.
The answer is… Stop
asking so many bloody pointless
stupid fucking questions,
and definitely never mind the
fucking rhetorical
and frankly, pointless answers.

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