Thursday 16 August 2012

Cannot Remember

Cannot Remember if this still works.....

Sunday 19 February 2012

Get the Drift

At home with kids
Son snoring bids
Farewell to the wife
Gone to work
To help life
With some nights
In a home
Wiping ass
Old dying clones
I feel bad
Here with my lad
All snuggled in bed
The other asleep
In his own room
Won't wake for a boom
Oh telly is now off
Just the sound of the house
And my beautiful boys
And a little green mouse
The little green mouse?
Has stopped talking
The little green mouse
Has stopped shrieking
The little green mouse
Better keep shtum
Shut up, be quiet
Please right now!
Sick of the constant
Demands for
Non idle hands and
Beer and cream cheese
And plenty of these...
Kick him off the bed
he's not welcome tonight
As he slopes
Of to party
I can hear its
Just started
I can just see his
Hole in the wall
A small glow
down the hall
And a swirl of
White lights
From his DJ disco ball.....

Friday 9 September 2011

Our Iris Jones (first draft)

Our Iris Jones

Your black and white
With dark round specs
Holding the girls
Within sepia flecks

Through a camera flash bulb
All the years that remind
Like the hollow box staircase
Up to Nanny's flat rise

See your happy smiling face
Or concern through your eyes
Memory of a red cord
An intercom in the hall

Some lunch and some biscuits
A lakes view could afford
The man in the van,
Whose the man in the wall.

With a veteran of Wars
pubs, work, Walsall & turns
You waited on his tea
Brown sauce, cigarettes burn.

At my level a bin lid
And its brown tea stains,
When we were just kids
Through leafy green lanes.

The tea leaves in the cup
scotch teapot leaf strains
When we were young pups
With outrageous names

With kindness and thought
There's the gentlest of love
the gifts that you bought
from around and above

Where would you take me
If you could have driven
Just where would we be
With a lifetime forgiven

Playing the lottery games
With a great big warm heart
slippers made for your feet
Grand kids and their art

I remember the treats
And the family roast
The gifts and big teddies
Christmas telly and toast

The dinner was ready
For the family time,
The clock ticked on steady
For your hours will chime.

If I peered in your heart
Gentle emotional stuff
A steady hard start
Your life was enough.

Truth seen in your eyes
When we gazed in a hurry
could ask you no questions
So I said not to worry.

Eyes once clear as the skies
You couldn't well tell me
The lows and the highs
You could tell us no lies.

You wouldn't speak
We were aware of your time
Sadness no leaks
And without a dime.

I held onto your hand
Like when we arrived
Like how we will stand
When we fire up the band

But the train won't wait
It must be on track
We'll jump on it later,
It always comes back.

See you when we get there,
When we come in to land,
we can drink some strong tea
And we can hold hands.

Friday 6 May 2011

ElecTion Type

T = ?

oh what I am saying as an MP is I hate? don't agree with, disrespect, don't understand, can't agree with, will not. campaign with, differ our views, will slander, will lie, will tell you something you might empathise with, will swing too, will ask for, can agree with, will ask for (if you vote for me) if the mood is gloomy, for the other party, but of course that council isn't my council so they are wrong..?

Don't like Cuts
Message is clear
Don't like the message, too far too fast?
Doorstep people are hard headed, to far too fast? £102? What a load of bollox........MP'S........cunts.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Target Prac-tise

Something wrong with today's earwigs
Their not wired up right
Don't like the ones on the figs
And the weirdy on Burroughs head flights
The men in the silly brown wigs
Yes the ones who lecture on life
When the time comes for me to shoot
I hope I don't hit my wife.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Vinegar Stroke

Asleep, oh no
I am bored and wish to
Make a transaction
From the bank of exploit
Visions and real feels
Poke em and poke me
With and without coke
Inxs but without the choke
You'll probably see me
On the vinegar stroke...


At last I have some new friends, some new money and new trends.........bring it on and leave it behind....

Thursday 24 March 2011

Wave of Dignity

A warning over transmitted waves
We have been taught once before
The power of mother natures ways
Not once, or twice but many more
Quakes make a drop in the ocean
Shifting water when pressures raised
When the Japanese shook with emotion
They waited and submitted names
Old fears of nuclear fission
After seeing the coast swept away
They make it their primary mission
To clean up dignified each day
No matter what ever it has cost
Respect to each other and law
They cast love to those they have lost
Helping spirits close many dead doors.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Dirty Date (Pornographer Poetry Series)

Dirty Date

Hey would you like to go
For a drink with me
If you say yes
Here's what I see
I'll look at your neck
I'll glance at your bum
You won't know
that was done

I will notice your nipples
When they are stiff
I'll get an erection
When I get a whiff
Of your perfume
Mingled with your body
You won't notice this.

Your boobs are amazing
I wish I could touch
And your luscious lips
I like very much
You said yes and why not
To a drink or such
I must honestly admit
I felt rather butch...

Oh I really want you hot
So after a few drinks
I really want what not
We go back to your house
Maybe a snog methinks
Some coffee anticipation
To settle and suck face
With natural perspiration

Then I decide to try a thigh
Then your back and tight belly
Not venturing too high
I go around, turn to jelly
The side of your boob,
Oh weighty, oh so firm
Don't think we'll need the lube
My hard on gives a squirm
So I hold and cup and neade
Ahoy! another a stern
Then I try down south and squeeze
Your crotch, that feels real warm
What a turn on what a wheeze

Change, return to tits and arms....
Then at last you make a grab for it
Through my jeans a naïve touch
You rub my stiffy dick
You grip and hold my packet
Oh where did I leave my jacket?
Now plunging down below
Into pants and hairs and holes
All squishy and rather tight then.....

You pull my cock right out!
With a murmur and a shiver
You then cum on top of my finger
With all a shivering and quiver
So now I'm not really embarrassed
When my penis starts to feel harassed
And I squidge a tidy packet
All up your arm and sleeve
Narrowly missing aforesaid jacket
And I cannot quite believe
When you lick it up and lap it

But we agree to meet again
As its getting rather late
And we will definitely shag
And we'll have a suck & lick
So I scratch my empty bag
After licking your wet lips
Then I'll stick a dick in it
The next time that we date
The next time we do coffee
She said I taste of toffee...
Yes we'll have another date
as its getting rather late....

Thursday 3 March 2011

Seat of Leadership

Yes the seat of leaders
Yes the stupid bleeders
Rich, tall and privileged
All terribly civilised
But let's not forget
The lies and regrets
That walked corridors
And made up the law
Keeping us down
To prop up the clowns.


...Or hate this is a difficult question, I think it is more easily answered with apathy.