Wednesday 16 March 2011

Dirty Date (Pornographer Poetry Series)

Dirty Date

Hey would you like to go
For a drink with me
If you say yes
Here's what I see
I'll look at your neck
I'll glance at your bum
You won't know
that was done

I will notice your nipples
When they are stiff
I'll get an erection
When I get a whiff
Of your perfume
Mingled with your body
You won't notice this.

Your boobs are amazing
I wish I could touch
And your luscious lips
I like very much
You said yes and why not
To a drink or such
I must honestly admit
I felt rather butch...

Oh I really want you hot
So after a few drinks
I really want what not
We go back to your house
Maybe a snog methinks
Some coffee anticipation
To settle and suck face
With natural perspiration

Then I decide to try a thigh
Then your back and tight belly
Not venturing too high
I go around, turn to jelly
The side of your boob,
Oh weighty, oh so firm
Don't think we'll need the lube
My hard on gives a squirm
So I hold and cup and neade
Ahoy! another a stern
Then I try down south and squeeze
Your crotch, that feels real warm
What a turn on what a wheeze

Change, return to tits and arms....
Then at last you make a grab for it
Through my jeans a naïve touch
You rub my stiffy dick
You grip and hold my packet
Oh where did I leave my jacket?
Now plunging down below
Into pants and hairs and holes
All squishy and rather tight then.....

You pull my cock right out!
With a murmur and a shiver
You then cum on top of my finger
With all a shivering and quiver
So now I'm not really embarrassed
When my penis starts to feel harassed
And I squidge a tidy packet
All up your arm and sleeve
Narrowly missing aforesaid jacket
And I cannot quite believe
When you lick it up and lap it

But we agree to meet again
As its getting rather late
And we will definitely shag
And we'll have a suck & lick
So I scratch my empty bag
After licking your wet lips
Then I'll stick a dick in it
The next time that we date
The next time we do coffee
She said I taste of toffee...
Yes we'll have another date
as its getting rather late....


  1. Haq! Good work there for a first date! Rather quicker than I like to take it ;)


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