Sunday, 3 March 2013

Target Practice

Target Practice

Something wrong with today's earwigs
Their not wired up right
Don't like the ones on the figs
And the weirdy on Burroughs head flights
The men in the silly brown wigs
Yes the ones who lecture on life
When the time comes for me to shoot
I hope I don't hit my wife.

Office Monkeys

Buzz, buzz, buzz went the office,
Talk, talk, talk monkey please,
Whir, whir, whir went the hard drives,
Hum, hum, hum, went the screens.

Clickety, clack, click typed the keys
Ding, dong, dang went the lifts,
Chit, chat, chit said the monkeys,
Flexi-time, rhythm and rhyming shifts.


sent from somewhere over here.......

Saturday, 12 January 2013

The big baggers slapper...

The great big baggers slapper
A young maid in concessions
She was neither clean
Nor was she refreshing
Smelled of stale perfume and lipsticks 
Turkish showers, constricted sweat
Red face and orange mastic 
Previous dated purchase spent
She took the slap our of her bag
A ladies make up artist
could convert it into swag
Wax on, wax off
To become a desirable wag
Slap it on suck it off
She was just a bit of a slag
No word of a lie, 
Just an arrogant punk
Thrust a little pink eye fish
With his high velocity trunks
He took 'big baggers slapper'
Into the gents cubicle crapper
Flushed his chain and
then he snapped her
shared with friends 
And then dumped her cos
The dirty slapper shagger
Bagged the Biggest baggers 
Pink fish slapper in the west

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Waiting for the Doors

Waiting for the doors
Green scree on the floor
Waiting for the scores
And prams in the way
Of kids at the school
Facing the door
To open today
And begin the afray
Wait out in the cold
Successful I pray
Feeling very old
Won't be here to stay
With my son who is bold
Waiting for the day.


Me On Stage!!!!

Zebideejones Art

Branching out...... This one is called... 'Mother of my Children'.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Built Up

Where with all
The righteous cash
Holders and all
The mightier
Waters splashed folders
Through your
Kids last test cast
And oranges
Half time games passed
I've never seen
You run fast and never
Seen the shard
lean to heaven at last.


Sorry I haven't bEen on for a while but I feel that must now this space....!Z

The Parlotones Birmingham Last Night


Not much said, but the feather led
The birmingham scroungers
So we are well fed
There's brown town reminders
And carnival sheds
To the hard pumping music
Your Amplified heads
And german fat sausage
And all the accusers
Remind me of uses
The lichfield excuses
A cause for exec
The friendship extends
those you didn't see
But saw the gold rand
Then those of the sea
A wide golden, frond
A silver boy glee
A voice on tv.
A trance and a wand
free slides on the beach
You imagine the Arena
A green screaming screech
You imagine the stalls
There's no challenge otherwise
You originate the call
Muscle, keyboard and stiles
Makeup and jerk
Tattoo, blue telecaster,
Fruitful colour surprise
Your imaginary raster.
The stellar comprised
Of the fun tiny mind
Selfish disguise
So fulsome and kind.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Cannot Remember

Cannot Remember if this still works.....